Personalized Service
A personalized financial service should mean:
Your money will be invested based on your financial goals and your risk tolerance.
Your advisor will be readily available either by phone, in person, or virtually via an online meeting.
You don't have to press several numbers or go through a screener just to ask a question about your account.
You can meet with your advisor at the very least once a year, either the old fashioned way in person at a place that is convenient for you (your home, your office, our office), or by video conferencing.
You will be treated with utmost respect regardless of how much money you have entrusted with your advisor.
You can always use your advisor as a sounding board regarding other important financial decisions in your life.
Your advisor will be available to talk with you not just during routine work days or business hours.
Your emails or voice messages received during business days and working hours will be replied to within one hour.
Your portfolio is monitored daily by your advisor for any fraudulent activities.
You can easily have access to view your account holding and transactions made in the account to figure out how well your investments are doing.
You will have access to your financial plan and will be able to add, delete or adjust any goals, assets or liabilities.